Visitor Feedback Survey 2023-2024

Closed 30 Apr 2024

Opened 26 Jul 2023


We hope you enjoyed your recent visit to one of our attractions. We would love to hear your feedback about your visitor experience.

Results from this survey will be used to produce reports that will help us to understand the extent to which we are 'getting it right' for our wide range of visitors.

If you would like to leave any comments, please do so in the boxes provided throughout the form. As this survey is anonymous we do not have any way to respond directly to individuals, so if there is something you would like a response to please contact 

This survey should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. 

Thank you for your time. 

What happens next

Your feedback will be shared with the relevant teams within Historic Environment Scotland, and used to continuously improve the visitor experience at our sites. As this survey is anonymous, we are unable to respond directly to any feedback. If you do wish for a response, please do get in touch with us by contacting