Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park
Feedback updated 18 Sep 2024
We asked
From 26 September to 19 December 2023, Historic Environment Scotland (HES) undertook a public consultation seeking feedback on their outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park. Participants were asked how they currently use the Park, what they believe the priorities should be for the Park and the role Holyrood Park should play in Edinburgh’s future.
This took place via a Citizen Space survey and face to face engagement. The total returns including written responses, was just under 5000.
You said
The survey responses have been analysed, and a Consultation Analysis Report is available on the HES website.
Respondents to the consultation were a largely local audience of frequent Park users, accessing the Park for a range of different purposes, including leisure and recreation, nature and wildlife and commuting, and visiting a wide range of areas within the Park.
Key issues identified with the Park mainly related to road closures/traffic in the Park, erosion, and safety (between cars, cyclists and pedestrians).
It was also clear from the comments that strong and differing views are held relating to vehicle access.
Despite some polarising views on movement within the Park, one common concern across groups was ensuring that access is maintained for those with mobility issues.
Respondents were also concerned with climate change and maintaining the natural habitat and wildlife of the Park in order to maximise positive impacts to the Park and the city as a whole.
It was clear that consultation respondents felt the Strategic Plan should place people at the heart of any future plans for the Park – however that meant quite different things to different groups. All this highlights the difficult balance required in meeting the various needs of different Park user groups.
We did
Survey feedback has informed the final Strategic Plan, which is now available on the HES website, with the Landscape Conservation Management Plan for the Park and the Consultation Analysis Report.
Key amendments...
Movement: One of the key amendments to the plan has been to include the development of a Movement Strategy for the Park, which will be developed in collaboration with The City of Edinburgh Council and will align to their City Mobility Plan 2030. Additional, detailed surveys are required to inform the plans for future traffic movement and active travel, ensuring a sustainable future for the Park.
Landscape: The management of the Park will allow for diversity of habitats and landscape types, helping sustain the SSSI while enabling growing public use and access, as well as responding to our changing climate. Within this landscape, some areas will be more actively managed to conserve important grassland habitats and to create wetlands to manage surface water and support climate resilience.
Rock Fall Risk Safety: This has been taken forward as a separate corporate management exercise and is referred to under the 'Current and Emerging Challenges' section of the plan. While the Plan does not cover rock risk, specialist geotechnical engineers have completed a re-assessment of risk and potential mitigating measures in relation to parts of the Radical Road and other areas. HES plans to improve access in spring 2025, where this can be done safely, at the southern end from the Hawse to the northern end of South Quarry. This area includes Hutton’s Section and Hutton’s Rock, together with the quarry in which climbing is permitted. Due to Holyrood Park’s complexity and unique nature, all proposals need to consider statutory consents and require engagement with the relevant regulatory bodies.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey on the Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park. Gathering public views is important to help deliver a new future for the Park that reflects community aspirations, the needs of the City and the inherent value and sensitivity of Holyrood Park.
The Draft Plan was prepared in 2022-2023 by Historic Environment Scotland (HES). It has been developed through engagement with a broad range of key stakeholders.
HES would now like to hear your views which will help us refine the Plan.
The consultation is being held from Tuesday 26 September 2023 to Tuesday 19 December 2023 online through Citizen Space. To request a paper copy of the Outline Strategic Plan and/or a paper copy of this questionnaire, please email holyrood.park.consultation@hes.scot or call the Holyrood Park Education Centre on 0131 652 8150.
You can download the full Plan and Plan Appendicies below.
Our ask of you
A new future for the Park needs to reflect community aspirations. We are therefore seeking to understand your views on:
- How you currently use the Park and why you use it
- What you think the current issues are within the Park
- What the priorities should be for Park
- Where you would like to see improvements and action
- Any reasons why you don’t use the Park, or areas within the Park
- How you see the role of Holyrood Park in the future
- What benefits the Park should bring to people’s lives
- Any general comments about the Park
- Any general comments about the Outline Strategic Plan
Why your views matter
Ultimately, the aim is to gain insights into public perceptions of the Park, with responses informing the refinement of the Strategic Plan. The questions are therefore focused on topics that will help inform the Strategic Plan, such as current park use, perceptions of issues, opportunities and priorities, and what people think the role of Holyrood Park should be in Edinburgh’s future.
Whilst this project provides the opportunity to seek views on a range of questions and concerns, it is important that a clear message and purpose is adhered to, not only to focus the project activity and questionnaire responses, but also to ensure that stakeholders and the wider public are clear on the purpose of consultation (see above), why their contribution is needed and what it will go on to inform. Confusion in messaging and purpose can lead to inaction and unwillingness to engage.
The key questions that have shaped the questionnaire (and will inform the refinement of the Plan) are:
- How do people currently use the Park?
For comparative analysis between the way they use the Park and their perceptions and views (a different purpose from the ongoing Visitor Survey)
- What do people perceive the current issues and priorities for the Park are, and where do they wish to see improvement and action
To inform the Current and Emerging Challenges, Principles, Objectives, and any future development
- How do people see the role of Holyrood Park in the future and in the context of wider Edinburgh?
To uncover blockages to Park use, inform the Vision Statement, and future development. Our Vision Statement 2024 - 34 can be found in the Outline Strategic Plan Holyrood Park.
What happens next
The aim of this survey is to gather responses and insight that can inform the Plan and future development of the Park.
More information is available on the dedicated section of the Historic Environment Scotland website.
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