Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park

Closed 19 Dec 2023

Opened 26 Sep 2023


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey on the Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park. Gathering public views is important to help deliver a new future for the Park that reflects community aspirations, the needs of the City and the inherent value and sensitivity of Holyrood Park.

The Draft Plan was prepared in 2022-2023 by Historic Environment Scotland (HES). It has been developed through engagement with a broad range of key stakeholders.

HES would now like to hear your views which will help us refine the Plan. 

The consultation is being held from Tuesday 26 September 2023 to Tuesday 19 December 2023 online through Citizen Space. To request a paper copy of the Outline Strategic Plan and/or a paper copy of this questionnaire, please email holyrood.park.consultation@hes.scot or call the Holyrood Park Education Centre on 0131 652 8150.

You can download the full Plan and Plan Appendicies below.

Our ask of you

A new future for the Park needs to reflect community aspirations. We are therefore seeking to understand your views on:

  • How you currently use the Park and why you use it
  • What you think the current issues are within the Park
  • What the priorities should be for Park
  • Where you would like to see improvements and action
  • Any reasons why you don’t use the Park, or areas within the Park
  • How you see the role of Holyrood Park in the future
  • What benefits the Park should bring to people’s lives
  • Any general comments about the Park
  • Any general comments about the Outline Strategic Plan

Why your views matter

Ultimately, the aim is to gain insights into public perceptions of the Park, with responses informing the refinement of the Strategic Plan. The questions are therefore focused on topics that will help inform the Strategic Plan, such as current park use, perceptions of issues, opportunities and priorities, and what people think the role of Holyrood Park should be in Edinburgh’s future.

Whilst this project provides the opportunity to seek views on a range of questions and concerns, it is important that a clear message and purpose is adhered to, not only to focus the project activity and questionnaire responses, but also to ensure that stakeholders and the wider public are clear on the purpose of consultation (see above), why their contribution is needed and what it will go on to inform. Confusion in messaging and purpose can lead to inaction and unwillingness to engage.

The key questions that have shaped the questionnaire (and will inform the refinement of the Plan) are:

  1. How do people currently use the Park?
    For comparative analysis between the way they use the Park and their perceptions and views (a different purpose from the ongoing Visitor Survey)

  2. What do people perceive the current issues and priorities for the Park are, and where do they wish to see improvement and action
    To inform the Current and Emerging Challenges, Principles, Objectives, and any future development

  3. How do people see the role of Holyrood Park in the future and in the context of wider Edinburgh?
    To uncover blockages to Park use, inform the Vision Statement, and future development. 
    Our Vision Statement 2024 - 34 can be found in the Outline Strategic Plan Holyrood Park.

What happens next

The aim of this survey is to gather responses and insight that can inform the Plan and future development of the Park. 

More information is available on the dedicated section of the Historic Environment Scotland website