The Stonemasonry Sector in Scotland 2022

Closed 28 Feb 2023

Opened 18 Jan 2023


We are conducting this survey to help us understand the size, shape and health of the stonemasonry sector in Scotland. This survey is the first in a series, and will provide data for us to better understand the sector and the skills we already have and will need in the future.

Stonemasonry encompasses a range of different knowledge and skills related to the working, use, application, and repair of natural stone.

Stonemasonry has a number of qualification pathways available within the Scottish Qualification Credit Framework (SCQF) Level 5 and Level 6, and as such the following pathways have been used for the purposes of this research/study/working group. They are:

  • Banker Masonry
  • External Fixer Masonry
  • Internal Fixer Masonry
  • Masonry Repair
  • Masonry Carving
  • Memorial Masonry
  • Masonry Cladding
  • Stonemasonry Cutting (machine production/processing)

Please note:

Currently, the Stonemasonry Modern Apprenticeship (MA) is delivered at SCQF Level 6 provided through Scottish Further Education training provision and focuses on banker work and external fixing, with elements of repair work.

Why your views matter

We lack detailed information on how many people work as stonemasons in Scotland, where the businesses are and how people view training. Your responses are essential to help us urgently understand the sector, so we can support the stonemasonry industry in Scotland over the coming years.

What happens next

This is the first in a series of surveys. After we have conducted our series of surveys, we anticipate publishing a report detailing the stonemasonry sector in Scotland.