Antonine Wall World Heritage Site Management Plan Development Consultation
We would be delighted if you would share your views on the Antonine Wall- Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site by filling in this consultation questionnaire. Historic Environment Scotland (HES), West Dunbartonshire Council, East Dunbartonshire Council, Glasgow City Council, North Lanarkshire Council and Falkirk Council are responsible for the management and conservation of this World Heritage Site.
The feedback you send through this consultation will be used to inform the development of the next Antonine Wall World Heritage Site Management Plan which will guide the work of the partners over the next 10 years (2024 to 2034).
The management plan will be used by HES and our partners to help achieve our vision which is:
The Antonine Wall will be a World Heritage Site (WHS) that is well maintained and sustainably managed to safeguard its Outstanding Universal Value; a property that is established as a world-class visitor experience; a catalyst to connect and transform communities locally, nationally and internationally; a focus to realise sustainable benefits economically, socially and environmentally for locals and visitors alike; and a resource for inspiring learning and creating opportunity for participation and discovery.
Why your views matter
We want to hear your thoughts on the Antonine Wall and what specifically you think should be the priority actions over the next 10 years- for HES, the Local Authority Partners and importantly, other stakeholders of this World Heritage Site including anyone who is interested in supporting the Antonine Wall.
The survey won’t take much of your time (20-25 mins), and your views are valuable.
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