Designating St Kane's Hall, New Deer

Closed 12 Jun 2024

Opened 22 May 2024

Feedback updated 27 Jun 2024

We asked

From 22 May to 12 June 2024, Historic Environment Scotland (HES) sought views on a proposal to list St Kane’s Hall, in the village of New Deer, Turriff.

St Kane’s Hall is a former Free Church (now in use as a school hall/gymnasium) built between 1884 and 1885. It was designed by the well-known Aberdeen-based architects Ellis & Wilson in the Early Gothic style. This former church has special architectural and historic interest as a good example of a Gothic church in a small rural village, which is little altered to the exterior. The church is prominently situated along the Main Street.

Through Citizen Space, we invited members of the public to tell us if they agreed with the proposed designation and if they had further comments to make. 

We consulted directly with Aberdeenshire Council as the planning authority, who are also owners of the site. 

Our selection guidance for designation and the policies we work to are published in the Designations Policy and Selection Guidance document.

You said

We received one response to the consultation. The response did not raise issues that brought into question the cultural significance of the site for designation. 

We have reported in more detail on the consultation in our Report on Handling, which can be downloaded from the Heritage Portal or from the bottom of this page. 

We did

After considering the comments received during consultation, we have listed the building at category C, listed building record (ref: LB52638).  

We have published a Report on Handling for this case on the Heritage Portal. This can also be downloaded below:


We propose to designate St Kane's Hall, Main Street, New Deer, Turriff as a listed building.

St Kane’s Hall, built between 1884 and 1885, is a former Free Church (now in use as a school hall/gymnasium) in the village of New Deer. It was designed by the well-known Aberdeen-based architects Ellis & Wilson in the Early Gothic style. St Kane’s Hall has special architectural and historic interest as a good example of a Gothic church in a small rural village, which is little altered to the exterior. The church is prominently situated along the Main Street.

We are now gathering views on our proposal to list this building at category C.

Read more about why we think St Kane's Hall meets the criteria for listing by downloading our Report of Handling.

Front elevation of St Kane's HallFront elevation of St Kane’s Hall © Aberdeenshire Council

How we designate listed buildings

We list buildings of special architectural or historic interest. A dedicated team researches and assesses all designation applications.

Why your views matter

We’d love to know whether you agree with our proposal.

To help you respond to the following survey, please read why we think St Kane’s Hall meets the criteria for listing by downloading our Report of Handling.

You can tell us if you agree with our proposal by completing the short questionnaire below.

This questionnaire usually takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

Find out what comments we consider and what happens next in our consultation guide or watch our designations video on YouTube.

You can also watch a version of this video in British Sign Language.