Our Regulatory Framework

Closed 14 Feb 2023

Opened 30 Nov 2022

Feedback expected 31 Mar 2023


Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is looking for your views on our first  Regulatory Framework.

You can read the draft regulatory framework now.

This document explains Historic Environment Scotland’s approach to our regulatory and advisory services in the planning and other consenting systems.

Why your views matter

This framework describes our approach to taking decisions and providing advice on managing Scotland’s historic environment. It is for anyone who engages with the services we provide or wants to understand more about the decisions we take and the advice we give.

We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about the proposed content of this framework and would welcome your feedback on any part of it. We would particularly welcome your views on whether you think we have identified the right goals and principles to guide our work.

You can provide feedback by completing the short online survey linked below.

Download the consultation questions in advance.

Providing feedback in other ways

If you would like a copy of the draft framework and associated consultation questions in a different format, please let us know.

If would like to provide feedback differently, such as over the phone, by email or via online meeting (e.g. Microsoft Teams, Zoom), please let us know and we would be happy to arrange this.

Please contact alasdair.mckenzie@hes.scot or call on 0131 668 8924. 


Our Regulatory Framework is a high-level description of the regulatory and advisory services we deliver. It expands on some of the information contained on the Historic Environment Scotland website, in our designation service standards and our planning service standards. It also relates to how we support the delivery of policies set out in the Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (HEPS), Scottish Planning Policy (and in due course, National Planning Framework 4), our Designations and Selection Guidance and our Scheduled Monument Consents Policy.


The draft framework includes the following sections:

  1. About this framework
  2. Who we are
  3. Our regulatory role
  4. Our decisions and advice
  5. Our regulatory principles
  6. Measuring our performance and impact
  7. Further information

What happens next

Thank you for taking part in this consultation. Our next steps will be reviewing all the feedback and addressing your comments in the finalised version of the document.

Following any modifications, the document will be designed and published on our website.