Open activities

4 results

  • Designating King's Cross Hospital, Dundee

    We are proposing to list the King’s Cross Hospital in Dundee at category B. The proposal is to list all of the buildings that were built as part of the earliest phase of the hospital’s development between 1889 and 1903. The hospital’s railings and gates along Clepington Road, which are already listed ( LB25537 ), will form part of the revised listing. King’s Cross Hospital opened in 1889 as Dundee’s first, purpose-built, permanent fever hospital to treat... More
    Closes 23 October 2024
  • Co-chomhairleachadh Thursachan Chalanais – Leasachadh bhuannachdan Coimhearsnachd, Eaconamach agus Glèidhteachais

    Tha an co-chomhairleachadh seo le Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba (HES) mu atharrachaidhean san amharc air rèiteachaidhean inntrigidh is pàighidh aig Tursachan Chalanais. Tha sinn ag obair gus eòlas amalaichte ùr luchd-tadhail a lìbhrigeadh aig an làraich, ann an co-obrachadh leis an urras air a stiùireadh leis a’ choimhearsnachd, Urras nan Tursachan (UnT), a tha gu neo-eisimeileach a’ stiùireadh agus ag obrachadh agus aig a bheil sealbh air Ionad Luchd-tadhail Thursachan... More
    Closes 31 October 2024
  • Calanais Standing Stones Consultation – Improving community, economic and conservation benefits

    This consultation by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is on potential changes to access and charging arrangements at Calanais Standing Stones. We are working to deliver a new combined visitor experience at the site, in collaboration with the local community-led trust Urras nan Tursachan (UnT), who independently own, manage and operate the Calanais Standing Stones visitor centre. A Gaelic language version of this consultation is available . The community and local... More
    Closes 31 October 2024
  • Share your views on Cathkin Park, Glasgow

    We have been asked to consider the designation of the football ground at Cathkin Park (1884-1903) in Glasgow which is known as the location of the 2nd Hampden Park. We'd like your help To help inform our assessment, we are gathering comments and information from people who have a view on its design, history and significance. Can you tell us about the history of the place? Do you think this site is of cultural significance? Do you think it should be designated as a... More
    Closes 29 November 2024
4 results. Page 1 of 1