Designating Ardbeg Distillery, Islay

Closed 18 Oct 2022

Opened 27 Sep 2022

Feedback updated 10 Nov 2022

We asked

From 27 September to 18 October 2022, Historic Environment Scotland (HES) sought views on our proposal to designate buildings at Ardbeg Distillery at category A and C.  

Ardbeg Distillery was registered as a legal commercial distillery in 1815 but was known to be in production from the late 18th century – early historical whisky records indicate spirit was being illicitly produced at Ardbeg from 1798. Some of the buildings at the distillery date from 1815 with later 19th century additions and expansion. 

Ardbeg Distillery is a very early surviving example of a whisky distillery in Scotland with its core buildings amongst the five oldest surviving examples in the country. The level of survival of its original distillery buildings is rare within the building type. This site is remarkable because it has been in almost continuous use since the early 19th century.

You said

We received no responses to the Citizens Space consultation.  

The proposer and local authority had no substantive comments. The owner raised a query regarding potential future Listed Building Consent and the planning process once Listed. An online meeting was held between HES, the owner and the local authority and all parties were content with no further issues raised.

We did

We have now listed the buildings at category A and C. The listed building records are available on our Heritage Portal (LB52611 and LB52613), where the final Report of Handling (LB52611 and LB52613) is also available.     

Our historic environment is always changing. Listing does not prevent change, but it does allow for a structure’s special character to be taken into account when changes are proposed.  


We are proposing to list Ardbeg Distillery on the island of Islay at Categories A and C.

Ardbeg Distillery was registered as a legal commercial distillery in 1815 but was known to be in production from the late 18th century - early historical whisky records indicate spirit was being illicitly produced at Ardbeg from 1798. Some of the buildings at the distillery date from 1815 with later 19th century additions and expansion. 

The distillery is remarkable for its early date and the survival of the group of historic distillery buildings. Ardbeg Distillery is an exceptional tangible reminder of the early historical development of one of Scotland's most important indigenous industries.

We have launched this public consultation to gather views on listing this historic building in recognition of its special architectural and historic interest.

Find out more about listed buildings.

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View of white distillery buildings with slate grey roofing. A large collection of barrels is present in the foreground.

Find out more about why we think Ardbeg Distillery meets the criteria for listing by downloading our Report of Handling. You can Email your comments about this case or contact us via the Heritage Portal