Consultation for Historic Environment Scotland’s corporate plan 2025-28

Closes 3 Jan 2025

Opened 23 Oct 2024


We are consulting on a new corporate plan for Historic Environment Scotland.

Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment.

The Historic Environment (Scotland) Act 2014 mandates that Historic Environment Scotland has a corporate plan and that it is renewed every 3 years. The purpose of a corporate plan is to provide a roadmap for decision-making, resource allocation, and performance measurement, ensuring alignment and direction across the organisation.

Historic Environment Scotland’s current Corporate Plan, Heritage for All, was first published in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it underwent only a light-touch refresh when it was due to expire at the end of 2022-23. Much has changed for us all over the last six years, both in Scotland and globally, and so we now need to undergo a more thorough review and update to ensure our new plan reflects this.

This consultation draft is the product of engagement with people and organisations across Scotland. We now want to hear thoughts on the draft plan from as broad and diverse a range of people and organisations as we can, and to give everyone the chance to have their say on the document before its finalised.

In addition to this online public consultation, we will host a series of stakeholder meetings to give everyone the opportunity to feed in their views and ideas.  We will also work with partners to engage underrepresented groups through targeted workshops.

Why your views matter

This is an opportunity to provide your knowledge, views and expertise to help us shape the corporate plan together.