61 results
Have your say in the future of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site
The Heart of Neolithic Orkney (HONO) was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999. World Heritage Sites (WHS) are places that have been judged to have Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) – cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity. Once a World Heritage Site is inscribed it must be managed to ensure that the OUV is maintained and protected for... MoreOpened 18 March 2025 -
Designating St Mungo's Pit
St Mungo’s Pit is a rare example of a moated coal shaft, dating from the late 16th to early 17th centuries. It sits on reclaimed land that was once part of the intertidal zone of the Firth of Forth. Moated mine entrances were stone towers that stood above the surface of the water at high tide. St Mungo's moat provided an additional entrance and ventilation for an underground tunnel from which previously inaccessible coal could be extracted. T he moat was described as lying... MoreOpened 17 March 2025 -
Designating The Moat Pit
The Moat Pit is a rare example of a moated coal mine entrance and ventilation shaft, dating from the late 16th to early 17th centuries. It lies approximately 400m south of the shoreline at Culross in the intertidal zone. Moated mine entrances were stone towers that stood above the surface of the water at high tide. The Moat Pit provided an additonal entrance and ventilation for a tunnel which ran for a mile under the sea, allowing the extraction of coal from previously inaccessible coal... MoreOpened 17 March 2025 -
Designating the Lappan farm buildings, Dunbeath
We are proposing to list The Lappan farm buildings, Toremore, Dunbeath - a traditional farm complex predominantly dating from around the mid-19 th century but which likely contains some earlier fabric. It comprises a farmhouse with a detached steading range and outbuilding that together form a U-plan courtyard. Other ancillary features include a kailyard, mill pond and mill lade. The complex is located on the east coast of Caithness, on high farmland overlooking the Moray Firth. ... MoreClosed 7 January 2025 -
Consultation for Historic Environment Scotland’s corporate plan 2025-28
We are consulting on a new corporate plan for Historic Environment Scotland. Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. The Historic Environment (Scotland) Act 2014 mandates that Historic Environment Scotland has a corporate plan and that it is renewed every 3 years. The purpose of a corporate plan is to provide a roadmap for decision-making, resource allocation,... MoreClosed 3 January 2025 -
Designating HMP Barlinnie
We are proposing to designate the earliest phases of development of HMP Barlinnie, 81 Lee Avenue, Riddrie, Glasgow as a listed building at category A. HMP Barlinnie is a purpose-built prison complex designed in 1880 and opened in 1882 with subsequent phases of early development up to 1908. It is located within the residential area of Riddrie to the northeast of Glasgow City centre. The features of the prison proposed for listing are the earliest surviving structures... MoreOpened 11 December 2024 -
Share your views on Cathkin Park, Glasgow
We have been asked to consider the designation of the football ground at Cathkin Park (1884-1903) in Glasgow which is known as the location of the 2nd Hampden Park. We'd like your help To help inform our assessment, we are gathering comments and information from people who have a view on its design, history and significance. Can you tell us about the history of the place? Do you think this site is of cultural significance? Do you think it should be designated as a... MoreClosed 29 November 2024 -
Designating King's Cross Hospital, Dundee
We are proposing to list the King’s Cross Hospital in Dundee at category B. The proposal is to list all of the buildings that were built as part of the earliest phase of the hospital’s development between 1889 and 1903. The hospital’s railings and gates along Clepington Road, which are already listed ( LB25537 ), will form part of the revised listing. King’s Cross Hospital opened in 1889 as Dundee’s first, purpose-built, permanent fever hospital to treat... MoreClosed 13 November 2024 -
Co-chomhairleachadh Thursachan Chalanais – Leasachadh bhuannachdan Coimhearsnachd, Eaconamach agus Glèidhteachais
Tha an co-chomhairleachadh seo le Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba (HES) mu atharrachaidhean san amharc air rèiteachaidhean inntrigidh is pàighidh aig Tursachan Chalanais. Tha sinn ag obair gus eòlas amalaichte ùr luchd-tadhail a lìbhrigeadh aig an làraich, ann an co-obrachadh leis an urras air a stiùireadh leis a’ choimhearsnachd, Urras nan Tursachan (UnT), a tha gu neo-eisimeileach a’ stiùireadh agus ag obrachadh agus aig a bheil sealbh air Ionad Luchd-tadhail Thursachan... MoreClosed 31 October 2024 -
Calanais Standing Stones Consultation – Improving community, economic and conservation benefits
This consultation by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is on potential changes to access and charging arrangements at Calanais Standing Stones. We are working to deliver a new combined visitor experience at the site, in collaboration with the local community-led trust Urras nan Tursachan (UnT), who independently own, manage and operate the Calanais Standing Stones visitor centre. A Gaelic language version of this consultation is available . The community and local... MoreClosed 31 October 2024 -
Your Historic Place lens for the Place Standard Tool - feedback survey
Your Historic Place lens: Pilot Project We have designed the Your Historic Place lens to be used with the Place Standard Tool. It is intended to spark and support conversations to explore the connections between people, place, and our historic environment. A pilot version of the lens is currently available. We’re inviting those involved in place-making related projects to try it out and tell us what you think. MoreClosed 5 October 2024 -
Designating Glasgow Central Mosque
We are proposing to designate Glasgow Central Mosque, 1 Mosque Avenue, Glasgow as a listed building , at category A. The Glasgow Central Mosque is a purpose-built Mosque and Islamic Centre and was designed and built between 1977 and 1984. It is a landmark building in Glasgow and is prominently located on the southern bank of the Clyde. The building is an outstanding example of a purpose-built mosque design in Scotland and a significant example of the... MoreClosed 2 October 2024 -
Share your views on modern housing at Woodside, Glasgow - online survey
We have been asked to consider listing the red-brick modern housing blocks near Braid Square, St George’s Road and North Woodside Road. The medium-rise mass housing scheme at Woodside was designed and built between 1970 and 1974 by Glasgow architectural practice Boswell, Mitchell and Johnston. These flats are part of one of Glasgow’s post-war ‘comprehensive development areas’ and form a distinctive group of buildings north of the city centre. We'd like your help... MoreClosed 19 September 2024 -
Managing Change Guidance survey
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is asking for your views to help us shape future Managing Change guidance. We are working to make sure our Managing Change guidance aligns with current policy and national priorities. MoreClosed 17 September 2024 -
Designating Denny Town House, Denny
We are proposing to list Denny Town House, 23 Glasgow Road, Denny, which was built by Stirlingshire-based architect Robert Wilson and opened in 1932. For much of the 20 th century it served as a meeting place for the Burgh council and originally housed a court, council chambers, burgh offices and public library. It ceased to be the seat of local government in 1975, when Falkirk District Council was formed and was used as a base for the delivery of social services until May... MoreClosed 29 August 2024 -
Designating St Mary The Virgin Episcopal Church, Port Glasgow
We are proposing to designate St Mary The Virgin Episcopal Church as a listed building . The church was built in 1982-84 to replace an older church demolished to make way for a new road in Port Glasgow. It is part of a complex that includes an adjoining, asymmetrical interlinked arrangement of church hall, offices and rectory, set within landscaped grounds. Designed by Frank Burnet, Bell and Partners, the church is of interest for its... MoreClosed 24 July 2024 -
Inventory of Historic Battlefields - Revisions to Selection Guidance
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is seeking views on revisions to Annex 4 of the Designations Policy and Selection Guidance (2019) . This is the guidance we use use to assess battlefields for designation on the inventory of historic battlefields, or to review existing inventory entries. Since the inventory of historic battlefields was established in 2011 it has identified 40 sites where a nationally important battle took place and provided information about them to inform... MoreClosed 16 July 2024 -
Reviewing the Inventory record for the University of Stirling (Airthrey Castle)
Airthrey Castle is recognised for its national importance on the inventory of gardens and designed landscapes . We propose to amend the text of the inventory record to recognise more clearly the interest of the 20th century campus landscape change the inventory name to University of Stirling (Airthrey Castle) We do not propose any changes to the inventory boundary. View across Airthrey Loch © Historic Environment Scotland The University of... MoreClosed 10 July 2024 -
Designating the Low Port Centre, Linlithgow
We are proposing to designate the Low Port Centre, 1 Blackness Road, Linlithgow as a listed building . The Low Port Centre is a former community outdoor and education centre designed by Wheeler & Sproson and built 1986-88. It includes a mural in the entrance foyer by James Cumming RSA RSW (1922-1991) titled ‘The Community: A Festival of Time’. The mural painted in 1988, depicts a theme of timeless community with a scene of 39 figures and... MoreClosed 13 June 2024 -
Designating St Kane's Hall, New Deer
We propose to designate St Kane's Hall, Main Street, New Deer, Turriff as a listed building. St Kane’s Hall, built between 1884 and 1885, is a former Free Church (now in use as a school hall/gymnasium) in the village of New Deer. It was designed by the well-known Aberdeen-based architects Ellis & Wilson in the Early Gothic style. St Kane’s Hall has special architectural and historic interest as a good example of a Gothic church in a small rural village, which is little... MoreClosed 12 June 2024 -
Antonine Wall World Heritage Site Management Plan Development Consultation
We would be delighted if you would share your views on the Antonine Wall- Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site by filling in this consultation questionnaire. Historic Environment Scotland (HES), West Dunbartonshire Council, East Dunbartonshire Council, Glasgow City Council, North Lanarkshire Council and Falkirk Council are responsible for the management and conservation of this World Heritage Site. The feedback you send through this consultation will be used to... MoreClosed 6 June 2024 -
Designating the former Mecca Cinema at 124 Balmore Road, Glasgow
We are proposing to designate the former Mecca Cinema at 124 Balmore Road, Glasgow as a listed building . The Mecca Cinema, opened in 1933, is a rare survival of a 1930s cinema which retains its architecturally distinctive character to the main elevation. It is a notable example of the work of architect James McKissack, a foremost Scottish cinema designer of the earlier 20th century. The cinema is an architectural landmark in the streetscape and its wider setting... MoreClosed 15 May 2024 -
Designating part of the buildings at Glassford Waterworks, Strathaven
We are proposing to designate part of the buildings of the Glassford Waterworks as a listed building . Glassford Waterworks, constructed in 1895, is a notable example of buildings associated with the provision of clean water in the late 19th century. The buildings survive largely in their original form and retain many of the features associated with their function as a water works. The wider setting has been partially altered but a number of ancillary features are retained,... MoreClosed 1 May 2024 -
Visitor Feedback Survey 2023-2024
We hope you enjoyed your recent visit to one of our attractions. We would love to hear your feedback about your visitor experience. Results from this survey will be used to produce reports that will help us to understand the extent to which we are 'getting it right' for our wide range of visitors. If you would like to leave any comments, please do so in the boxes provided throughout the form. As this survey is anonymous we do not have any way to respond directly to individuals, so... MoreClosed 30 April 2024 -
Managing Change Underwater Heritage
The Managing Change guidance series supports good decision-making and explains how to apply the policies in the Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (HEPS) and the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). It will also help anyone interested in a decision on a specific topic to understand the decision-making process. Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is seeking your views on the draft Managing Change guidance on Underwater Heritage. This... MoreClosed 5 March 2024 -
Designating Bell's Sports Centre, Perth
We propose to designate Bell's Sports Centre as a listed building . Bell’s Sports Centre, opened in 1968, is one of Scotland’s earliest purpose-built, indoor sports centres. The domed sports hall has special architectural and historic interest as an exceptional surviving example of a new building type that developed in the second half of the 20th century. Designed to accommodate a range of sporting courts and community activities, the building reflects the increase in leisure time... MoreClosed 23 February 2024 -
Designating Crawick Multiverse, Sanquhar
We propose to designate Crawick Multiverse on the inventory of gardens and designed landscapes . Created from a former coal mine by the renowned cultural theorist and landscape designer, Charles Jencks (1936–2019), Crawick Multiverse is an outstanding example of early- 21 st century land art in Scotland. The design uses landforms, water features and stone arrangements on a grand scale to convey scientific, spiritual and cosmological themes. It evokes Scotland’s... MoreClosed 19 February 2024 -
Designating Livingston Skatepark
We propose to designate Livingston 'Livi' Skatepark as a listed building . The skatepark is one of a handful of surviving skateparks from the late 1970s – early 1980s in the UK. It has architectural interest for its pioneering design and the innovative approach of its architect, Iain Urquhart. Retaining its public park setting, the skatepark is an important survival of public enterprise architecture by Livingston Development Corporation and has social... MoreClosed 9 February 2024 -
Designating the former Cumbernauld Cottage Theatre
We propose to designate the former Cumbernauld Cottage theatre as a listed building . Built in the 1700s as part of the Cumbernauld House estate, this row of cottages was adapted for use as a community theatre in 1962. The building has special architectural interest as an example of 18th century estate workers' cottages. It has historical interest for its pioneering role as a theatre within the developing identity of Cumbernauld New Town during its formative... MoreClosed 21 December 2023 -
Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey on the Outline Strategic Plan for Holyrood Park. Gathering public views is important to help deliver a new future for the Park that reflects community aspirations, the needs of the City and the inherent value and sensitivity of Holyrood Park. The Draft Plan was prepared in 2022-2023 by Historic Environment Scotland (HES). It has been developed through engagement with a broad range of key stakeholders. HES would now... MoreClosed 19 December 2023
61 results.
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